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Give Back to Yourself with Self-Care

June 2, 2021

You may have heard of the saying “you can fill from an empty cup” and it’s undoubtedly true!

Particularly in the last 12 months, we’ve heard the word self-care arise more than ever and the benefits to the mind, body and spirit of those that practice it well. A reminder to ourselves that taking a moment to refuel, refill and re-energise is not selfish but instead, necessary to navigate our daily lives and relationships with intent.

The best part is practicing self-care doesn’t need to be a 12-step routine! It can be as simple as booking in time with yourself each week for something you truly do enjoy. At Australian Botanical Soaps, we want you to take that moment for yourself this week and are sharing some of our favourite simple but effective self-care tips to make it happen.

Hit The Pavement

There’s nothing quite like escaping your office in the afternoon and basking in the beauty of Mother Nature. With many of us still working from home, the change of scenery does wonders for refreshing our minds and igniting more energy. We recommend popping on your headphones and pressing play on a favourite podcast or playlist and walking through your favourite park or track.

Take the pressure of intense workouts and use this time to move your body, stretch your tired limbs and catch up on the things that bring you joy.

Switch Off 

In a heavily digitally connected world, we forget about the impact of taking in all of this information each day. It’s exhausting! From the latest information on Facebook, scrolling through hundreds of Instagram pictures, catching up on emails and getting lost for hours on Tik Tok, we’re consuming so much information and noise each day that it can be hard to unwind once we’ve made our way off the apps.

With our minds racing at a million miles per hour, creating switching off habits can be an absolute game-changer. Show your mind self-care by setting up a designated “no phones space” in your home such as moving your devices from next to your bed to on the dresser or even in another room entirely!

Scheduling time to disconnect from social media on the weekends is a self-care hack that has some serious impact. You’ll feel your mind slow and you may even discover that spare time you’ve been lacking. The best part? It’ll all still be there when you log back on!

Bathtime Rituals

Create a ritual of a long, weekend bath filled with your favourite ways to relax and unwind. This time is all about you; listen to music or your favourite podcast, apply a face mask, watch Netflix, read a book, or do absolutely nothing and surrender to your peaceful surroundings.

We recommend uplifting this self-care ritual by choosing scents and ingredients designed to soothe, calm and instil relaxation. Our go-to scents are our dreamy Australian Botanical Soaps Lavender with essential oil, uplifting lemongrass and lemon myrtle and nurturing rose geranium with rosehip oil. With their rich, creamy formulations and divine lingering scents, we’ve made self-care possible every time you lather up.  

Remember, self-care is not selfish!
How are you taking time for you this weekend?
Well, you could make your way into your local supermarket or visit the Australian Botanical Soaps website to shop our entire range of natural body care products and choose your favourite scent to take your relaxation time to the next level.

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