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How to Look After Your Skin This Winter

June 7, 2020

What happens to our skin in winter?

At this time of year our skin really bears the brunt of the cold winter weather. We tend to stay indoors more, which for many of us means we are regularly within an artificially heated environment. Outside our skin is exposed to UV rays, harsh winds and pollution and may be affected more than you realise.

This is why natural base soaps are very important in maintaining the health of our skin. A good natural base soap will have added essential oils that are small enough to penetrate the hard-to-reach layers of our skin. When they are absorbed, the properties of the essential oils mix with the natural oils of our skin to balance, regulate and improve the overall condition of our skin.

Harsh winds and dry air remove natural oils from the epidermis, the first layer of protection on the skin, which can leave it dry and itchy. If you suffer from skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis, chances are your conditions will be worse throughout the winter months.

What can I do to help protect my skin this winter?

The main aim is to help protect our dry winter skin while also replenishing its lost natural oils.

The best protection nature has given us against dry, itchy skin is fatty acids. Fatty Acids are found in foods high in Omega 3 and Omega 6. Foods such as fish, seeds, nuts and plant oils are great for bringing in additional fatty acids.

However, fatty acids are not the only way to protect yourself:

Avoid hot, lengthy showers or baths
We often want to just “thaw out” under a long hot shower, but unfortunately, this can be one of the worst things to do as it can dry and irritate the skin.

Hand creams
They can be a girl’s (or guy's) best friend in the colder months so always keep a tube handy. It’s quick and easy solution and is a great way to help prevent our skin from drying out.

Try it out at least once per week as during winter our dead skin cells increase so it's important to keep up the exfoliation practice to remove them. This gives new, healthier skin cells a chance to emerge and replace the dead ones. If left unchecked, dead skin cells could clog your pores and this could result in further skin irritation.

Look for products with natural moisture
Reading the back of labels is so important when choosing products for your skin as many contain moisture-robbing ingredients such as parabens and sulphates - it's often the case that it's just as important to know what is put into a product as what is left out.

For winter time you may like to consider:

Coconut with Lime Oil – Made with ingredients to enhance your mood and works great as an exfoliating bar with finely crushed naturally sourced coconut shell.

Goats Milk with Soya Bean Oil – Perfect for those with sensitive skin needing a gentle cleanse. Good for keeping your skin moisturised.

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